Feeling Adequate.

Photo by Katie Maum on Unsplash

The struggles of life can really make us question if we are really enough. I struggle with this daily. Did I get enough done today? Did I forget to do something? Did I spend too much time in the shower? You can question everything you do if you don’t stop yourself and let yourself breathe.

Life gets busy. Life gets crazy and hard sometimes. The kids, the pets, the spouse, friends, etc… They all need our attention. You look at your calendar and life is seeming more like a chore and you have heart palpitations due to stress because your thinking to yourself that there is no way you can fit everyone and everything into your life. Ask my hubby, I am a consistent worrier. I want to be that person that doesn’t drop the ball, who doesn’t get exhausted and who doesn’t have the house that is a mess! But the reality is, I do drop the ball sometimes, I am tired, and my house is messy some days.

When I am struggling with feeling adequate, I remind myself that most likely the things that I am upset about are not bothering anyone else in my family. We tend to be our own worst enemies. We are so judgmental of ourselves. If my friend said, “I am so stressed that my house isn’t clean.” What would my response be? It sure as heck wouldn’t be encouraging her to stress over her house not being clean. I would probably tell her that the mess will be there tomorrow and it’s a new day. Really, I know it’s easy to say this because I am queen of “needing a clean house.” I am! I feel like I can think more clearly when I have a decluttered and clean house. I get it. I really do.

For me, feeling adequate also comes with how happy my family is. I find that when I am out of sorts, so is everyone else. My husband will often say “If Mama isn’t happy, then nobody’s happy.” There is definitely truth to this in my household. So here are some of the things I do that help me maintain my sanity and feel like I am enough. Be blessed everyone.

  1. Pray.
  2. Make a list and prioritize.
  3. Ask for help
  4. Don’t multi-task. Try to finish one thing at a time and stay focused.
  5. Do something fun for yourself once a week. Take a break from the chaos.
  6. Get one or two people that you trust to be honest with you that can help hold you accountable.
  7. Get enough sleep.
  8. Fuel your body. Eat right and exercise.
  9. Do for others. Don’t get so caught up in your own world that you forget to bless others. This is one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself.
  10. If your list does not get completed, add it onto the next list. It is ok!!!
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