Remember When?

Photo by Kari Grady

I have been reflecting a lot lately on what it is going to be like for my girls to raise their own children. To be totally honest, it really gives me anxiety. I personally feel like this world is getting harder to survive in. Let’s face it, it’s already hard enough to parent even when you have support and everything is falling into place as you hope it would.

I find myself thinking about how things are so different from when I was raising my girls. I think about all the challenges that are present now that I didn’t have to think about or worry about. Times change and people change which is what makes the world go round but it does scare me.

Remember when it was safe to let your kids ride their bike around the block? I do not feel like that is the case any longer. Kid’s are getting stolen right out of their own homes now a days. Remember when you felt like if you ever needed anything, your neighbor would help? A lot of people don’t even really know their next door neighbor. Remember when it was safe to stop and help someone who’s car broke down on the side of the road? Or you would feel a sigh of relief if you were broke down and someone pulled over to help you? Now, if were being honest, at least for me, if someone pulls over to help me, I am praying that it’s truly a nice person that won’t do me any harm. I hate that this is how our world is now. I want my grandkids to be able to play and be able to be a kid. I want my daughters to not to have to worry about their children getting kidnapped. The list could go on and on. I am told that I worry too much about things that I can’t control. I am trying to get better at giving my troubles to God but the minute I turn on the news and hear the horrible events going on in this world, I am remembering when…

I hope and pray that my girls are able to enjoy life with their kids and have safe places and activities for them. I think that sometimes I feel anxiety over the world that my grandkids will grow up in because I miss the simplicity of how things used to be when my girls were little. Times really have changed things and I know it’s perspective too. There is an old saying that says “You don’t miss something that you never had.” I love this saying but hate it too. I don’t have grandkids YET, so yes, here I am worrying about something that is in the future, but I have come to the conclusion that just as we thought our grandparents were outdated at times and old fashioned, so will my grandkids and it will all be ok. I will be the crazy grandma that worries too much.

I would love for you to comment on this post and let me know how you feel. I know I can’t be the only one to think about these things. Or at least I hope not! LOL. Thanks for reading everyone!

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