Hypertension Can Sneak Up On You!

I had heard doctors and family members talk about their blood pressure from the time I was very young but never really understood the importance of having a normal blood pressure until I was pregnant with my first daughter and researched it along with all the pregnancy and childbirth information. I have always believed in being a good consumer and learning about your health and making decisions based on knowledge, not opinions. It wasn’t until I was working as a Medical Assistant that I realized that the majority of people really don’t understand blood pressure and how significant a role it plays in our health. I hope this post helps answer questions and concerns you might have about blood pressure.
So what exactly is high blood pressure? High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is when the force of blood pushing against the walls of your blood vessels, is consistently too high. To survive and function properly, oxygenated blood is carried from your circulatory system throughout your body. Your heart beats and causes pressure that pushes the blood through tube-shaped vessels (capillaries, veins and arteries are all part of the vessels), otherwise known as blood pressure. The blood pressure causes forces that you probably have heard before. The first force is systolic pressure. This happens as blood pumps out of the heart and into the circulatory system using the arteries. The systolic number is the top number that reads when your blood pressure is taken. The second force is diastolic and occurs as the heart is resting between heart beats. The diastolic number is bottom number that reads when your blood pressure is taken. Pretty cool huh? Our bodies are amazing temples.
Many people have high blood pressure and they are not even aware of it. According to the American Heart Association nearly half of American adults have high blood pressure. Your probably wondering what is considered high blood pressure. Normal blood pressure for systolic (the top number) is less than 120. Normal blood pressure for diastolic (the bottom number) is less than 80. High blood pressure is a “silent killer.” You may not experience any symptoms at all. Lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise choices and physical attributes can put you at a higher risk for having high blood pressure. If you ignore high blood pressure and don’t make changes to lead a healthier lifestyle, the damage that is done to your body could be significant. You could have a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, loss of vision, sexual dysfunction, angina, microvascular disease, arteriosclerosis, increase risk of diabetes, high triglycerides, etc… the list is scary!
What can be done to fight the war of high blood pressure? Here are some things that I am going to focus on even though I don’t have high blood pressure. I believe that it is important to stay on top of things before they turn into a problem. Quit smoking, routinely get your blood pressure checked, if you have high blood pressure please work with your doctor and take medications properly, lose weight if needed or maintain a healthy weight, manage stress (I know this is a hard one), exercise regularly, drink limited alcohol, and get a buddy to encourage to do the things that will improve your health! Please join me in a healthier you. Please be aware of your health. It is so easy to abuse your body. I am so very guilty of it myself. I have habits I need to break so I can live a longer life. It’s hard. My demon is Coca Cola. I wish I would have never started drinking soda. Stay strong, be mindful and enjoy life my friends! Please feel free to share how you are being a healthier you.