Hypertension Can Sneak Up On You!

Photo by Marcelo Leal on Unsplash

I had heard doctors and family members talk about their blood pressure from the time I was very young but never really understood the importance of having a normal blood pressure until I was pregnant with my first daughter and researched it along with all the pregnancy and childbirth information. I have always believed in being a good consumer and learning about your health and making decisions based on knowledge, not opinions. It wasn’t until I was working as a Medical Assistant that I realized that the majority of people really don’t understand blood pressure and how significant a role it plays in our health. I hope this post helps answer questions and concerns you might have about blood pressure.

So what exactly is high blood pressure? High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is when the force of blood pushing against the walls of your blood vessels, is consistently too high. To survive and function properly, oxygenated blood is carried from your circulatory system throughout your body. Your heart beats and causes pressure that pushes the blood through tube-shaped vessels (capillaries, veins and arteries are all part of the vessels), otherwise known as blood pressure. The blood pressure causes forces that you probably have heard before. The first force is systolic pressure. This happens as blood pumps out of the heart and into the circulatory system using the arteries. The systolic number is the top number that reads when your blood pressure is taken. The second force is diastolic and occurs as the heart is resting between heart beats. The diastolic number is bottom number that reads when your blood pressure is taken. Pretty cool huh? Our bodies are amazing temples.

Many people have high blood pressure and they are not even aware of it. According to the American Heart Association nearly half of American adults have high blood pressure. Your probably wondering what is considered high blood pressure. Normal blood pressure for systolic (the top number) is less than 120. Normal blood pressure for diastolic (the bottom number) is less than 80. High blood pressure is a “silent killer.” You may not experience any symptoms at all. Lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise choices and physical attributes can put you at a higher risk for having high blood pressure. If you ignore high blood pressure and don’t make changes to lead a healthier lifestyle, the damage that is done to your body could be significant. You could have a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, loss of vision, sexual dysfunction, angina, microvascular disease, arteriosclerosis, increase risk of diabetes, high triglycerides, etc… the list is scary!

What can be done to fight the war of high blood pressure? Here are some things that I am going to focus on even though I don’t have high blood pressure. I believe that it is important to stay on top of things before they turn into a problem. Quit smoking, routinely get your blood pressure checked, if you have high blood pressure please work with your doctor and take medications properly, lose weight if needed or maintain a healthy weight, manage stress (I know this is a hard one), exercise regularly, drink limited alcohol, and get a buddy to encourage to do the things that will improve your health! Please join me in a healthier you. Please be aware of your health. It is so easy to abuse your body. I am so very guilty of it myself. I have habits I need to break so I can live a longer life. It’s hard. My demon is Coca Cola. I wish I would have never started drinking soda. Stay strong, be mindful and enjoy life my friends! Please feel free to share how you are being a healthier you.


Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

What does the word “Gratitude” mean to you? So much goes through my mind when I think of gratitude. I have a picture that hangs above my couch that says “Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” Does this resonate with you? Are you grateful?

This might seem like a rant at first but hang in there with me. I am so frustrated with the attitude of entitlement from people, especially kids. Kids are so spoiled now a days. Little kids are carrying around VERY expensive cell phones, parents spending hundreds of dollars on brand name clothes that the kids will outgrow in 6 months, some kids do not have any sort of schedule or bedtime and they rule the roost! Parents are bribing their kids with things and promises to get them to behave. Parents are afraid to tell their kids no! Kids are mad if they don’t have the best of the best and I personally think this is ridiculous. Have you seen the extravagant proms and homecomings? How many extra hours does the single mom have to work so that her kid can wear that $400.00 dress and help pay for the limo? I feel like if kids are expecting this kind of greatness at prom or homecoming, then what will they expect for their wedding? Just something to think about.

Are we as a society encouraging our kids to not be grateful or not have gratitude? I get it, I have been there. My girls did the prom and homecoming dances with all the fancy stuff, so please don’t feel judged. These are things I ask myself too. Just wondering what the balance is. It’s so easy to get caught up in the aspect of wanting your kids to fit in as well as wanting to be the parent that can give their kids the best. I don’t begrudge anyone giving their kids the best, but sometimes I feel like we do a disservice to our kids because they don’t have an appreciation for what it takes to get the nicer things in life. I have also seen a trend, even in my own kids, who are 21 and 24 years old, that they feel like they are behind in life because they can’t get the things they want. Kids seem to want in an instant what takes most people 30 plus years to achieve. Does anyone else feel this way? Or is it me?

As a Mom and as a Nanny, I have kids say please and thank you. Ask your kids what they are sgrateful for each day. Teach them gratitude. It’s important. Instead of letting your kid complain that the mashed potatoes are too lumpy to eat, teach them to be thankful that they have mashed potatoes to eat and moreover be grateful for the person who spent time making the mashed potatoes. If you don’t teach them to be grateful for the little things in life and the big things too, I believe that as adults they will struggle to find contentment with the things they have and maybe even feel inadequate because they are always feeling the need for more. More money, a bigger house, a better wife or husband, a better job, etc… I could list a hundred things that could be a factor. Think about who you want to be and who you want your kids to be. Isn’t gratitude one of those things we should want? instill it into your kids. It’s a great feeling when people compliment you on your children and their gratitude.

I admit, I can be a brat sometimes. I like instant gratification. This drives my husband nuts. Lol. When our kids were little we lived in this house that I did not like at all and it wasn’t in the best of neighborhoods. I wanted to move from this house so bad and it just wouldn’t sell. So we took it off the market and I decided that I was going to be grateful that I had a house and learn to love it and be ok with what I had for the time being. So what did I do? I made the house my happy place. I painted, I decorated and told my husband that I was content to stay there because I had made it into what I wanted. Well… God has a funny sense of humor sometimes. As soon as I finished the last room to that house, I had an interested buyer. I honestly believe it was because I had gratitude for the house that I had and I had become ok with where I was at.

I hope you got something out of my ramblings about gratitude. I feel like in today’s fast and furious world a lot of important things and values are getting lost. Tell somebody your grateful for them and you might just make their day. I am grateful to you for reading my blog. Thank you. Be blessed always and tell me about what your grateful for or respond to my rant.

How to Stop Your Dog from Chewing On Things.

Photo by Kari Grady

Puppies and dogs of all ages like to chew. It is normal dog behavior. When puppies are getting incoming teeth, chewing is a way to relieve teething pain. When dogs chew it is a natural way for them to have clean teeth and strong jaws. Also, when a puppy is bored, what do they usually do? They probably will start chewing on things that is not theirs and destroy such items. Yes, your favorite sandals that you just bought for your trip, crayons the kids left on the floor, socks or even the new dog bed you just bought your dog. They will be torn into pieces and the dog will be excited to show you the destruction he accomplished. Chewing helps dogs deal with their pent up energy and boredom. I am not a veterinarian or a dog trainer, but I have had dogs for the past 20 years. I have trained them to be well behaved and I have learned a lot along the way, so I will share my experience with you.

Dogs can have anxiety just like us humans. Every dog is different. What might work for on dog may not work for another. Kind of like kids. It is common for dogs that have separation anxiety will chew only when they are left alone. The dog may bark, cry and whine, not be able to settle down to rest while your gone. Some dogs will pace back and forth or chew on their kennel. My Sister-In-Law had a dog that if she left it alone out of the kennel, it would eat holes in the walls. That is extreme anxiety if you ask me!!

I have never had a puppy or dog chew my furniture. People don’t believe me when I tell them that but it true. I try to be very in tune or attentive to my dogs. When you have a new puppy it is important to never leave it unattended to explore without supervision. They are curious, want to play and have fun and will find the one thing you don’t want them to have and turn it into their toy or chewy. So dog proof your house. Put things away that your dog should not have. This includes dirty laundry. Dogs love to chew on socks and eat underwear as disgusting as that is, it’s true. Not only is eating underwear disgusting it is dangerous for the dog and could result in surgery for your dog if the underwear gets tangled in the intestines. Oh, don’t forget to put away magazines and books. That is another favorite for the pups.

It is really important to provide lots of toys and chew bones for your dog. If you pay attention to your dog while chewing on his toys, note which toys keep him the busiest the longest. Those are most likely his favorite. I always keep a few of the favorite toys and chew bones available to my dog. I find that if I rotate my dogs toys every couple of days he is much happier and more interested in them. It’s almost like I am introducing new toys. It is very important to remember safety when giving your dogs bones. Do not give your dog cooked bones. They can cause chipped teeth and small pieces of bone can get stuck in their throat. Instead of cooked bones, offer them edible bones, chewies or treats. You should still observer your dog even with edible bones, chewies and treats because dogs can bite off more than they can chew. My dog loves bully sticks, natural chews, compressed raw hide, pig skin rolls and ears. You get the idea. I never give my dog rawhide as they are not able to fully digest rawhide. I buy him only compressed rawhide.

It is important for dogs to learn what they can and can’t chew on. I use a crate for my dog when I am gone to prevent him for destroying things when I am not home. Give your dog their own basket of toys and let them drag a toy out of the basket. My dog thinks this is the greatest thing ever! It is extremely important that you do not confuse your dog by giving him unwanted items to chew on. If you do not want your dog to chew on shoes, then do not give him an old shoe to chew on. He can’t differentiate which shoe you consider to be an old shoe and a which one is a new shoe. It’s best to make shoes off limits.

My eight month old puppy has lots of energy. There are days that he seems to be completely out of control. When he is being his crazy cute self and it is obvious that he needs some stimulation I will take him for a walk, go on a car ride, go to the park, go to PetsMart or Rural King, or play fetch. He loves to play with other dogs the most though. He doesn’t know a stranger and isn’t afraid of anyone or anything. Fifteen minutes of play time can really calm your dog down. Dogs are like kids. They want your love and attention. Take the time to play and train your dog. They are smart animals with a lot of love to give you. Most dogs will do anything to please their human! Please tell me how you keep your dog from chewing on unwanted things. Now go love on your dogs and remember they love you even when they chew on your stuff.

Feeling Adequate.

Photo by Katie Maum on Unsplash

The struggles of life can really make us question if we are really enough. I struggle with this daily. Did I get enough done today? Did I forget to do something? Did I spend too much time in the shower? You can question everything you do if you don’t stop yourself and let yourself breathe.

Life gets busy. Life gets crazy and hard sometimes. The kids, the pets, the spouse, friends, etc… They all need our attention. You look at your calendar and life is seeming more like a chore and you have heart palpitations due to stress because your thinking to yourself that there is no way you can fit everyone and everything into your life. Ask my hubby, I am a consistent worrier. I want to be that person that doesn’t drop the ball, who doesn’t get exhausted and who doesn’t have the house that is a mess! But the reality is, I do drop the ball sometimes, I am tired, and my house is messy some days.

When I am struggling with feeling adequate, I remind myself that most likely the things that I am upset about are not bothering anyone else in my family. We tend to be our own worst enemies. We are so judgmental of ourselves. If my friend said, “I am so stressed that my house isn’t clean.” What would my response be? It sure as heck wouldn’t be encouraging her to stress over her house not being clean. I would probably tell her that the mess will be there tomorrow and it’s a new day. Really, I know it’s easy to say this because I am queen of “needing a clean house.” I am! I feel like I can think more clearly when I have a decluttered and clean house. I get it. I really do.

For me, feeling adequate also comes with how happy my family is. I find that when I am out of sorts, so is everyone else. My husband will often say “If Mama isn’t happy, then nobody’s happy.” There is definitely truth to this in my household. So here are some of the things I do that help me maintain my sanity and feel like I am enough. Be blessed everyone.

  1. Pray.
  2. Make a list and prioritize.
  3. Ask for help
  4. Don’t multi-task. Try to finish one thing at a time and stay focused.
  5. Do something fun for yourself once a week. Take a break from the chaos.
  6. Get one or two people that you trust to be honest with you that can help hold you accountable.
  7. Get enough sleep.
  8. Fuel your body. Eat right and exercise.
  9. Do for others. Don’t get so caught up in your own world that you forget to bless others. This is one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself.
  10. If your list does not get completed, add it onto the next list. It is ok!!!
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